Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Iasi is currently looking for candidates to fill the following two job positions for supporting the activities of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) of the Joint Operational Programme Romania –Moldova 2014 – 2020 and the Joint Operational Programme Romania –Ukraine- Moldova 2007-2013:
The public consultation is now closed. Thank you for your participation!
The public consultation for Guidelines for applicants-soft projects is open until 10th of July 2017.
The guidelines details the conditions for requesting grants for projects without an infrastructure component, or for those that includes an infrastructure component having a value of less than 1 million EURO, in the fields:
The public consultation is now closed. Thank you for your participation!
The public consultation for Guidelines for applicants-hard projects is open until 10th of July 2017.
The guidelines details the conditions for requesting grants for projects with an infrastructure component having a value of at least than 1 million EURO, in the fields:
On 2nd of May 2017, the European Commission has approved the summaries of the large infrastructure projects from the main list, projects which will be financed in the framework of the Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014 – 2020.
Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Iasi is currently looking for candidates to fill the following job positions for supporting the activities of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) of the Joint Operational Programme Romania –Moldova 2014 – 2020:
Corrigenda to the Guidelines for applicants for both SOFT and HARD projects have been published.
Starting on January 12th 2017, the address of the headquarter of the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds is in Bucharest, 16 Libertății Avenue, North Side, District 5.
The first calls for proposals under the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 are planned for the second semester of 2017. Following the launching of calls, information and training sessions shall be organized in the program area (both in Romania and Republic of Moldova). We invite you to check the website for updated information and calendar of events.
The first reunion of the Joint Monitoring Committee for Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 took place in Bucharest on the 18 ͭ ͪ of May, 2016.
The Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova ENI 2014-2020, for which MRDPA serves as Managing Authority, was adopted by the European Commission on December 18th, 2015.