Taking into consideration the opening of the 1st and 2nd Calls for Proposals under the JOP Romania- Moldova 2014–2020, and the following subject, available for both hard and soft projects, as of 2.5 COSTS. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS / i) Notwithstanding letter (a) above, costs related to studies and documentations related to infrastructure component e.g. Feasibility Study or equivalent, Environmental Impact Assessment, and other technical documentation may be incurred before the project implementation period, starting with the approval date of the Programme, respectively 17 December 2015,
are the costs entailed by the project preparation (namely, filling-in the application form, preparation of the required annexes, etc.) subcontracted to a consultancy firm fail under the provisions of letter (i) above or they will be considered as ineligible?
If two forms of territorial-administrative organization from both Romania and Republic of Moldova have a twinning agreement, is it possible for them to apply with a project that is written jointly or separately? What is the contribution to the project and is it possible to obtain co-financing in other projects?
Can a Non-Governmental Organization, registered in the Republic of Moldova, act as a partner under the priority 3.1 “Development of cross border transport infrastructure and ICT tools”?
According to the statements from the Annex H.1 and those from the Guidelines for grant applicants for both SOFT and HARD projects, mainly point 2.2.1 “Eligibility requirements for the Applicant and partners” and the next point – 2.2.2 “Indicative eligible organizations”, can a NGO participate as a Partner under Priority 3.1?
Can a project initiated and managed by private NGOs aiming to open a center aimed to support disabled be assigned to „Equipping specific public medical service infrastructure (outpatient, emergency room facilities, medical centers, integrated social intervention, etc.)” mentioned as indicative eligible activity under Priority 4.1 – Support to the development of health services and access to health?
In a project with an infrastructure component in the present call for proposals for hard projects:
– the minimum PRAG of 1 million euro relates to the total value in annex A. 1 Indicative infrastructure budget breakdown or the costs of the budget line 3. Infrastructure within the project budget (part D, Application Form)?
– if the minimum PRAG 1 million euro for the infrastructure component relates to the total value of the investments in the infrastructure provided on both sides of the border (infrastructure value in Romania and infrastructure value in the Republic of Moldova) or does the 1 million euro threshold have to be reached by investment in infrastructure provided only in one of the two countries?
– the information and communication activities and the capacity building activities must be carried out in parallel with those relating to the execution of the infrastructure or they may take place and subsequently the completion and delivery of the infrastructure, in compliance with the maximum period of 24 months for implementation?