The project will develop an integrated methodology research for early diagnosis and treatment for children with speaking/writing disorders by producing and using the CERDIS innovative device in the eligible area.
The project will help combating and preventing emergency situations caused by natural disasters (floods caused by rainy periods), also increase the safety of citizens and their properties by carrying out construction works related to the floodable brooks/rivers in Stefan cel Mare and Gotesti communes.
The project aims at improving the knowledge and professional skills of employees of the Patrol Police, working in the cross-border area between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, in the field of preventing misdemeanors, including those related to road traffic security.
The overall objective of the project is both to create an integrated value chain for improvement on the labour market and to facilitate access to the tertiary education system by developing educational services and the capacity of human resources through a series of specific activities, for 500 members of the target group, such as: organizing trainings and workshops on relevant themes, offering vocational and career counselling services, providing assistance in a mobility program and developing institutional cooperation establishing 40 cross-border partnerships between educational institutions and economic entities from the Ialoveni Region of the Republic of Moldova and four counties from Romania (Iasi, Botosani, Galati, Vaslui), for a period of 18 months.
The project aims at improving accessibility and employability of 560 students and high school students from Romania and Republic of Moldova in the labor market by developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a modern labor market, flexible and dynamic through inter-institutional collaboration in education across borders.
The project will help create a CROSS-BORDER MULTIDISCIPLINARY NETWORK of scientists with common background on HEV surveillance, diagnostic and control, in order to identify and develop innovative research concepts and ideas and to promote the implementation of optimised/innovative monitoring/control campaigns projects in synergy with the ECDC, EU-WHO and EFSA.
The project will support joint actions between Romania and the Republic of Moldova (Ungheni Raion) for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters through: investments in specific technical means and equipments for emergency interventions in the benefit of the Ungheni District Council and, subsequently, Ungheni Exceptional Situations Service (DSE); joint actions for flood prevention and protection and afforestation/reforestation of riverbeds crossing the selected intervention area; campaigns and other measures aiming to educate and promote volunteering among the population in order to raise citizens awareness of the importance of prevention actions.
The project aims at: strengthening the relations between the two sister countries, Romania and Moldova and further developing their long cross-boarder collaboration, by organizing two annual cultural festivals, one in Soroca Town and one in Vaslui Town, with joint attendance, where the hystorical ties and legacy will be highlited; executing the restoration works at the Monumental Ensemble "Podul Inalt" which embodies the equestrian statue of Stefan cel Mare, located in Bacaoani Village, Vaslui district, in order to enhance the cross – border touristic potential; completing the restoration works needed at the medieval fortress of Soroca, located in Soroca County.
The project will contribute to: the preservation of the 2 cultural and historical heritage sites in the cross-border area of IASI and SOROCA; the promotion of local culture and preserving historical heritage through event, touristic circuits, printed and published materials, in order to increase tourism in the cross-border area of IASI and SOROCA; establishing a partnership between the four cross-border partners during the project implementation.
The project will contribute to the diversification of touristic offer by introducing in the cultural and historical touristic routes two major objectives, from the cross-border area VS-HN, dedicated to the era of Stefan cel Mare; the valorisation of the common cultural and historical heritage of the VS-HN area by creating events that promote the local customs and traditions to tourists and lovers of history.
The project activitiesaim at increasing the number of visitors to the rehabilitated and revitalized sites in Iasi (Ion Creanga Museum), and Falesti District (Lazar Dubinovschi Districtual History and Ethnography Museum) by carrying out rehabilitation works and endowment of the current buildings and premises.