PUBLIC CONSULTATION – Applicant Guide for the second call for small-value projects is available for public consultation during February 20- March 19, 2025.

Documents are available here:

This call targets projects in the following areas: climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, strengthening of an efficient public administration, as well as border, mobility and migration management.

The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Program approved the standard projects to be financed

On Thursday, February 27, 2025, the fourth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NEXT Romania - Republic of Moldova Program 2021-2027 took place.

Online guidance sessions for the implementation of InterregNEXT projects organized by TESIM

In the next period, TESIM organizes online sessions that offer practical advice on building partnerships, developing a project proposal, preparing the work plan and the budget, for applicants from the Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova partner countries.

Ziua Cooperării Europene INTERREG sărbătorită la Bojdeuca „Ion Creangă” din Iași

European Cooperation Day INTERREG Celebrated at Bojdeuca "Ion Creangă" in Iași

Iași, September 21, 2024 – At Bojdeuca "Ion Creangă" in Iași, the Interreg Next Romania-Republic of Moldova Program hosted a special event dedicated to European Cooperation Day INTERREG, where dozens of participants had the chance to enjoy cultural and recreational activities that highlighted the importance of cross-border cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

277 projects submitted within the first calls for proposals for Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova

The first calls for project proposals launched within the Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme closed on February 9th, 2024. 277 projects were submitted, targeting the fields of education, health, tourism as well as investment in climate change prevention, biodiversity, governance and border management. The non-refundable value of the submitted projects is 211 million Euro.

Corrigendum no.3 to the Guidelines for applicants

The Managing Authority for Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova publishes Corrigendum no.3 to the Guidelines for applicants for both calls for proposlas, i.e. regular and small scale projects.

Corrigendum to the Applicant's Guidelines for regular projects

The Managing Authority for Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme published Corrigendum no. 1 to the Applicant's Guidelines for the call for proposals for regular projects.

Following the questions received during the training sessions organized for potential beneficiaries, as well as to the helpdesk address of Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme, the Managing Authority clarified some aspects of the Applicant's Guidelines for open call for proposals for regular projects and made small corrections regarding the content of the documents.

The deadline for submitting applications is December 8, 2023, 4:00 p.m. (Romanian time).

The electronic system used for submitting applications (JEMS) can be accessed here.

Corrigendum to the Applicant's Guidelines for small scale projects

The Managing Authority of Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme published Corrigendum No. 1 to the Applicant's Guidelines for the call for proposals for small scale projects.

Call for regular projects: Correction of clerical error

As a result of a clerical error, Annex K1 - Administrative Grid, published as part of the corrigendum to the Applicant's Guidelines for the call for proposals for regular projects mentions the need to translate all documents into English.

Calls for proposals: Deadline extension

The Managing Authority announces the extension of the deadlines for submitting applications for the two calls launched within the Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme, respectively the call for proposals for regular projects and the call for proposals for small scale projects, until February 9, 2024.

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