During the 2021-2027 period, Romania will benefit from non-reimbursable community financial assistance for the development of cross-border cooperation programs and projects, with the purpose of improving exchanges at the regional and local level and addressing shortcomings in developing border areas by encouraging cooperation and the exchange of good practices between the European Union (EU) states and the non-EU neighbouring states.
Therefore, in the context of the future Operational Program Romania - Republic of Moldova 2021 - 2027 and with a view of conducting preliminary consultations (focus groups) with all stakeholders for the identification of funding directions, the Managing Authority for the Operational Program Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014 - 2020 launches the public call for submission of the intention to participate for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating in the fields of innovation, economic (including entrepreneurship), tourism, environment (in particular climate change and environmental risks, biodiversity and natural resources, air pollution), digital connectivity, sustainable, smart and intermodal infrastructure, education, health and social inclusion, culture, institutional capacity, civil society (especially cooperation between communities), border management, disaster risk management.
The participation in the focus groups will be carried out in online format between April and May 2021, will be voluntary and will not be remunerated. In the case of a large number of organizations that express an interest in participating in these groups, priority will be given to those that have a longer activity in the targeted field, within the limit of two (2) NGOs per focus group (organized under the Policy Objectives envisaged in the programming phase).
The interested organizations are invited to send an email expressing their intention to participate to the address
If your organization will be selected to participate in a group focus, you will be informed at least with 5 days in advance of the date and time of the meeting, and you will receive the meeting link and login instructions.