

Continental Europe successfully synchronized with Ukraine and Moldova power systems

Continental Europe successfully synchronized with Ukraine and Moldova power systems

On March 16, 2022, the trial synchronisation of the Continental European Power System with the power systems of Ukraine and Moldova started. The acceleration of the synchronisation project ongoing since 2017 has been possible due to the previous studies carried out, among which the feasibility study drawn up within Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 cross border cooperation programme.

With a total budget of 7 million Euro, out of which 6.3 European funds, ENTSO-E (Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental European Power System) was a large scale project financed by Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 ENPI Programme. The investment aimed at drawing up the feasibility study necessary for Ukraine and Moldova’s physical integration into the continental European electricity system. The cross border cooperation project was implemented by a partnership formed of the Ministry of Economy (Republic of Moldova), Ministry of Economy, Trade and the Business Environment (Romania) and Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and it was finalised in 2016.

ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is the association for the cooperation of the European transmission system operators (TSOs). The 39 member TSOs, representing 35 countries, are responsible for the secure and coordinated operation of Europe’s electricity system, the largest interconnected electrical grid in the world.