


4 cross border projects, totalising 24.2 million Euro, have been contracted under Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme

The Managing Authority within the Ministry for Regional Development and Public Administration signed, on June 28th, 2019, four financing contracts for the large infrastructure projects which will receive financing under Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 Joint Operational Programme.The projects will be carried out in partnership between Romanian and Moldovan authorities and they focus on the following types of investment:

– Improving the exchange of information between the two partener states, by developing the communication infrastructure. The Communication Infrastructure (COMINF) project, with a total budget of 7.9 million Euro (out of which 5 million European funds) is a partnership among the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Romania, and the Ministry of Transportation in Romania. The main activities to be financed are the following: building and operating a police centre in the Republic of Moldova; installing optical cable equipment on Iasi-Chisinau route; connecting the Police Departments in the Republic of Moldova and procurement of radio-IT equipment.

– Increase of security at the Eastern border of the European Union, by rehabilitating the police stations at the border, procurement of equipment and training of the police staff. The “Regional cooperation for prevention and combating trans-border criminality in Romania and Moldova” (THOR) project has a total value of 12.5 million Euro (with 6.4 million euro grant) and it is carried out by the partnership formed of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian and Moldovan Police, the General Inspectorate of the Border Police in the 2 states.

– improvement of the emergency operating structures (SMURD 2). The project aims at increasing population’s safety by developing the intervention capacity in emergency situations and has a total value of 10 million Euro (6.4 million representing EU funds). The following activities will be financed within the project: building a training facility (polygon) for the emergency interventions staff in both countries, building 7 helicopter landing platforms – 3 in Romania (Iasi, Galati, Botosani sau Vaslui), and 4 in the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau – 2, Bălţi – 1, Cahul – 1), building 2 emergency care units (Chisinau and Balti in the Republic of Moldova) and procurement of intervention vehicles. The project will be implemented by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in Romania, General Inspectorate of Aviation and the Ministry of Health in Romania, together with the Moldovan partners, i.e. the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection and the Institute of Emergency Medicine.

– improving the quality of the Customs services, by rehabilitating and endowing the Customs offices in the border area from Albita-Leuseni, Sculeni-Sculeni and Giurgiulesti-Giurgiulesti. By means of this project, the roads in the Customs area will be modernised and IT equipment (surveillance systems) and other types of equipment (lighting and signaling) will be bought. The lead partner of the project is the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, which will implement this project in a partnership with the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, the Regional General Directorate for Public Finance in Iași (Romania) and the Regional General Directorate for Public Finance in Galați (Romania). The total budget of the project is of 10 million Euro, out of which 6.4 million European funds.
The activities of all 4 projects will be implemented in 36 months.

These projects amount 30% of the European funds allocated to Romania-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020.