LOT NO. 1 Execution of construction and installation works for the investment objective: “CONSOLIDATION AND MODERNIZATION OF THE PROPERTY OF THE SPECIAL ACTIONS SERVICE HEADQUARTERS from 66 Carnabel Street, Galati Municipality”. financed within the Joint Operational Program Romania-Moldova "Regional cooperation for the prevention and fight against cross-border crime in the border region between Romania - Moldova" - THOR.
LOT NO. 2 Execution of construction works and installations for the investment objective ,, Consolidation and Modernization of the Frumusita Police Post Office, Frumusita commune - I.P.J. Galati ”, financed within the Joint Operational Program Romania-Moldova“ Regional cooperation for the prevention and fight against cross-border crime in the border region between Romania - Moldova ”- THOR.
LOT NO. 3 Execution of construction and installation works for the investment objective, "Consolidation and Modernization of Oancea Police Post Office, str. Nationala no. 61, Oancea commune, Galati county", financed within the Joint Operational Program Romania-Moldova "Regional cooperation for prevention and fight against cross-border crime in the border region between Romania and Moldova ”- THOR
Beneficiary: Galati County Police Inspectorate
Project title: THOR Regional cooperation for prevention and combating trans-border criminality in Romania and Moldova
Deadline: 15.06.2020