


INFORMATION FOR BENEFICIARIES regarding project implementation in the context of coronavirus disease COVID-19

In the context of the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the threat of a pandemic that has become very real and the World Health Organization recommended actions related to the measures that restrict the movement of people during this outbreak, movement that should be proportionate to the public health risk, short in duration and reviewed regularly as more information about the virus, the disease epidemiology and clinical characteristics becomes available,
Taking into consideration the preventive measures recommended by both the Romanian and the Moldovan Governments regarding the presence and transmission of the new type of coronavirus among the population, as well as the announcement of positive COVID-19-test results in the eligible area of the Romania-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme,
And the necessity to activate coordination mechanisms as early as possible and well before community transmission of COVID-19 occurs widely,

the Managing Authority issues the following:


Article 1. Having in mind the preventive health measures recommended by the Romanian and Moldovan Governments in relation to COVID-19, the Programme management structures reiterate the importance of Programme beneficiaries taking precautionary measures, such as restricting the movement of people during this outbreak, or replacing events, when possible, with virtual meetings (an actual meeting can be replaced by a virtual meeting, this change being performed according to contract provisions). More details here.

In this respect, when the COVID-19 epidemic is deeply affecting your project implementation, we strongly recommend you to take appropriate measures such as reviewing the planned project activities/events to see what activities/events can be postponed to a later date.

When Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) has any negative effects on your project activities, including on the planned events, meetings, workshops, seminars that cannot take place anymore and the project results and outputs are not achieved according to originally planned in the application form, the Lead beneficiary may appeal to the contractual provisions available for such situations.

Our priority is well-being and safety of all of you and that is why we provide this information to immediately support Programme beneficiaries to prepare for and respond to the evolving situation of COVID 19, in order to prevent and combat the illness.

Risk assessment