
At the beginning of 2020, The Managing Authority for Romania-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020 started the process of preparing Interreg VI-A NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme for 2021-2027.
In March 2020, the Joint Programming Committee was set up. This is the main body to decide on the programming process and it is formed of representatives of public central and local authorities, as well as other stakeholders from both partner countries. The representativeness of the Joint Programming Committee is available here.

The programme area covers all the territory of the Republic of Moldova and 4 border counties in Romania, i.e. Botoşani, Iaşi, Vaslui şi Galaţi.

On September 30, 2020, the Joint Programming Committee held its first on-line meeting, when the methodology of drafting the future programme was approved and it was decided to start the territorial analysis stage. The programme drafting methodology was based on the European regulations, and on TESIM guidelines available for all programmes, which can be found here.

During the programming process, local and national stakeholders were consulted (public local and national authorities, NGOs etc.), both on drafting the territorial analysis, as well as on establishing programme priorities, target groups and potential beneficiaries, and on identifying large infrastructure projects to be implemented in partnership, so as to answer to common needs.

Furthermore, the public was asked to send proposals on the draft of the programme, which was published on this page of www.ro-md.net, as well as on www.mlpda.ro (Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration in Romania) and on the website of the Ministry of Finance in the Republic of Moldova.
Interreg VI-A Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme was approved by the European Commission on November 30, 2022.

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