Priority 3
Cooperation across borders

7,323,999 Euro

A greener low-carbon Europe
A greener low-carbon Europe

Specific objective

Enhance efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens, civil society actors and institutions, in particular, with a view to resolving legal, capacity and other obstacles in the border region

3,837,184 Euro

Joint cross border strategies/action plans/trainings/study visits;

Joint solutions for cross border cooperation

(which may include equipment endowment, software);

Information and awareness campaigns.

Specific objective

Border crossing management and mobility and migration management

3,486,815 Euro

Joint cross border strategies/action plans/trainings/exchange of experience;

Joint solutions for cross border cooperation

(equipment endowment, software, vehicles, construction/rehabilitation/modernisation of cross border infrastructure);

Information and awareness campaigns.

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