Priority 1
Green Communities
25,134,440 Euro
Specific objective
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
20,912,361 Euro
Construction/rehabilitation/modernisation of infrastructure in the field of emergency situations intervention and preparedness;
Endowment with equipment for emergency situations interventions;
Joint operational plans/procedures/platforms/trainings/exchange of experience for risk prevention and management;
Water quality monitoring and hydrological monitoring of rivers, water temperature, precipitation measurements, ice regime;
Protection of the banks of rivers, canals, ensuring the safety of dams, afforestation of river banks;
Erosion prevention and control activities;
Awareness campaigns for the population/stakeholders from the areas under the risk of natural or man-made disasters, in the field of prevention and efficient management of risks.
Specific objective
Enhancing protection and preservation of nature biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
4,222,079 Euro
Drafting common management plans/procedures for protected areas;
Assessment, protection and improvement of existing ecosystems
(research activities, inventory and monitoring of resources, protection of endangered species, eradication of invasive species, afforestation etc.);